Microbiological products to resellers around the world at cost effective rates
  Industrial biotechnology Environmentally responsible results


Industrial and municipal wastewater treatment, control foaming, sludge, and odours
Bioprocess Stoichiometry reduces FOG
Degrade manure, livestock farm waste products
Bioaugmentation product - petrochemical bioremedation
Shrimp gut disease, natural bacteria, natural probiotic
Bio-cleaning water pollution control systems
White Biotech to reduce wine maufacturing waste
Accelerate the biodegradation in lakes and ponds
Process effluent ammonia removal - leachate
Winter waste bioaugmentation

HPT200 was formulated to neutralise almost all components of crude or modified petroleum products and paraffin wax.


  • This product has been used to reduce hydrocarbons in contaminated soils and as a treatment for waste oil in ship bilges & machinery spaces.  Hydrocarbon contamination

  • Reduces petroleum hydrocarbons to desired levels in oil/water separators.

  • Reduce the presence of hydrocarbons in the final effluent of wastewater treatment plants.

  • Improves tank cleaning by converting heavy oily sludge to light floating oil.

  • Breaks down wastes from petroleum recovery, transportation, storage and refining, steel making, metal forming, textile, hydrocarbon and chemical processing industries.

  • Treatment of hydrocarbon contaminated soils.


  • Breaks the bonds in hydrocarbon molecules reducing the impact these may have on the system.

  • The costs of cleaning, maintenance and waste disposal are reduced.

  • Improved odours caused by petroleum and solvents.

HPT100 will aid in the bioremediation of light hydrocarbons, diesel, gasoline, oil and other organic compounds into non-toxic substances.Petro-chemical hazard pond


  • The product has been applied in the treatment of effluent from work area floor cleanups in machine shops, motor repair garages and car washes.


  • Cleaning of hydrocarbon based wastes from concrete floors and machinery.

  • Limits the impact of oils and grease in open reticulation systems.


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